Please feel free to use this letter to the editor in an attempt to get it published in time to inform readers and listeners to radio to object to the rescinding of Health Care Providers Conscience Clause.
Subject: Letter to the editor needs to be published asap - before the 9th -time sensitive! Tomorrow if possible!
Letter to the Editor/Radio Announcement:
On April 9, the 30-day comment period will end in which citizens can voicetheir concern of President Obama's rescission of the Health Provider Conscience Clause. This clause allows medical professionals and hospitals to choose not to provide services that are contrary to their conscience or missions, specifically abortions.
Opponents claim that the Health Provider Conscience Clause hurts medical services to women. On the contrary, conscience clauses have been in effect since the 1970's, for over 30 years. During that time, abortions and sterilizations have not been limited by conscience clauses. Abortion is big business. Last year, Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in theUnited States, grossed over a billion dollars with the help of $356 million dollars of taxpayers' money. Mandatory abortion services are simply not needed. What will be the results if the Provider Conscience Clause is rescinded? Medical professionals will risk losing their jobs. Catholic hospitals across the country, the largest provider of hospital services in this nation, will close down. Who will take them over? The government?
The quality of healthcare IN EVERY SINGLE AREA OF HEALTH will be drastically and negatively affected, as religious discrimination and persecution becomes institutionalized in our healthcare system. So why now is the Obama administration attempting to rescind this clause? He wants to make good on his promise to Planned Parenthood to abolish all restrictions on abortion. But because he knows that any American who knows about it would be appalled at such an act, he has given the American people a 30-day window to give their opinion. The 30-day window ends on April 9th! This was not reported in the "news." Obama is counting on the extremists, who believe that abortion should have no restrictions, to call in favor of rescinding conscience rights so that Obama can state that he did what the majority of Americans wanted. Even though the majority of Americans have no idea this is happening. Our country was founded upon religious freedom and the rights of life, liberty,and the pursuit of happiness. To repeal this clause and force individuals as well as medical organizations to conduct acts against their religious beliefs is discrimination; to be forced to commit acts against their right to freedom is against the Declaration of Independence. There are sufficient providers of abortion. It is clearly not necessary to force health care providers to do abortion. DON'T LET A POLITICAL AGENDA DESTROY OUR HEALTHCARE SYSTEM.
What you can do right now:
Call By Thursday Between 9am And 5pm Eastern Standard Time:
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
Enter 0991-AB49 into Search Documents to read it yourself.
Subject: Letter to the editor needs to be published asap - before the 9th -time sensitive! Tomorrow if possible!
Letter to the Editor/Radio Announcement:
On April 9, the 30-day comment period will end in which citizens can voicetheir concern of President Obama's rescission of the Health Provider Conscience Clause. This clause allows medical professionals and hospitals to choose not to provide services that are contrary to their conscience or missions, specifically abortions.
Opponents claim that the Health Provider Conscience Clause hurts medical services to women. On the contrary, conscience clauses have been in effect since the 1970's, for over 30 years. During that time, abortions and sterilizations have not been limited by conscience clauses. Abortion is big business. Last year, Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in theUnited States, grossed over a billion dollars with the help of $356 million dollars of taxpayers' money. Mandatory abortion services are simply not needed. What will be the results if the Provider Conscience Clause is rescinded? Medical professionals will risk losing their jobs. Catholic hospitals across the country, the largest provider of hospital services in this nation, will close down. Who will take them over? The government?
The quality of healthcare IN EVERY SINGLE AREA OF HEALTH will be drastically and negatively affected, as religious discrimination and persecution becomes institutionalized in our healthcare system. So why now is the Obama administration attempting to rescind this clause? He wants to make good on his promise to Planned Parenthood to abolish all restrictions on abortion. But because he knows that any American who knows about it would be appalled at such an act, he has given the American people a 30-day window to give their opinion. The 30-day window ends on April 9th! This was not reported in the "news." Obama is counting on the extremists, who believe that abortion should have no restrictions, to call in favor of rescinding conscience rights so that Obama can state that he did what the majority of Americans wanted. Even though the majority of Americans have no idea this is happening. Our country was founded upon religious freedom and the rights of life, liberty,and the pursuit of happiness. To repeal this clause and force individuals as well as medical organizations to conduct acts against their religious beliefs is discrimination; to be forced to commit acts against their right to freedom is against the Declaration of Independence. There are sufficient providers of abortion. It is clearly not necessary to force health care providers to do abortion. DON'T LET A POLITICAL AGENDA DESTROY OUR HEALTHCARE SYSTEM.
What you can do right now:
Call By Thursday Between 9am And 5pm Eastern Standard Time:
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
Enter 0991-AB49 into Search Documents to read it yourself.
Your comment in the webform doesn't have to be more than a one liner just to let them know where you stand! --Bryan