Saturday, March 28, 2009

Jill Stanek On Bill O'Reilly

Many pro-lifers have heard about this, but I'm surprised by how many haven't. This video is from 2000:

Our current president is one of the 17 people Bill O'Reilly spoke of who did not support the congressional act to protect aborted babies who were born alive.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

ORTL President Speaks At Chapter Meeting

Ohio Right to Life President Mike Gonidakis spoke at our March chapter meeting.

Thanks to Mr. Gonidakis and everyone who came to the event.

More to come...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Correspondence About Red Envelope Project

This is some correspondence regarding the Red Envelope Project that ECRTL President Ken Swank recently got from Ohio Right to Life:

From: Maureen Keebaugh
Subject: Red Envelope Source
To: Friends of Life,

The quantity of envelopes ORTL ordered for this project, 12,500 are exhausted. This is a wonderful problem to have! This project is so exciting to so many people. Since this is still such a popular project I wanted to pass on to you information we have received about ordering at very reasonable prices. Life Institute is offering envelopes in quantities of 100 for $10.00. go to :

Additionally the originator of this idea, Christ Otto, has sent the email below outlining an opportunity to order even smaller quantities at reasonable prices.



The originator of the Red Envelope Project is Chris Otto. His blog is here:

Just One Judge Video

The creator of this video uses a very interesting technique to get their message across. You might watch it twice once you figure it out!

Email Mailing List

We need to cultivate a "master list" for email addresses for ECRTL members.

If you have a list started or want your email address on the list, send it to me at:

duboisb (at)

Replace the (at) with the @ sign.

Welcome To Our New Blog!

I'd like to go to this blog format for our website, so that other people have access and are able to use it as an enhancement for traditional communication. What I mean by that is that this blog can be frequently updated and viewed whenever a right to life activist has time to devote to the cause. Think about how many less phone calls you'd have to make if our members stayed up to date with the activities of other members by simply checking out this blog?

The core, active members will have the direct ability to post new articles - or to post updates on their activities. They can even post requests for help with certain tasks. (Stuffing newsletters, suggesting articles for our newsletters) This website should be about the constant flow of information: Networking, explanations on recent right to life developments, explanations on the latest web-networking tools. We need to start moving toward that trend to get the word out with the younger generation because the internet is where they hang out.

A blog can change the way an organization is operated. It means streamlining communication time - cutting communications down to the most vital so that the organization is most effective at accomplishing tasks with ease.

Our members who are interested in learning more about this type of communication - please let me know and I can give a class at our next meeting on how to use blogger.

More to come.

Post feedback. Comments should flow on the site. Click on "comment" and tell me what you think.
